
Welcome to my website where you can learn more about me, view my recent projects, and discover the best ways to contact me.

About Brady-JS

Hi there, thanks for visiting my website. In this section I will be revealing information about who I am, what brought me to coding, and why I chose this as my career. Enjoy!

The man behind the code

My name is Brady Heath. I'm twenty-two years old. I come from an extremely small town called Pink Hill in North Carolina. It is an extremely ruran area, where not many web developers come from. However, technology has always been something that has intrigued me. I have been to school for welding, worked as an industrial maintenance mechanic, and worked with my hands for years. I've decided to teach myself coding and web development as part of my future career path. This is something that has been a dream of mine for a while now, and now I'm finally starting to take the steps to achieve my goal.

What got me into coding?

People have asked me why I want to learn code. My answer is, I'm simply driven to do so. I love the idea of coming up with solutions to every day problems, no matter the complexity of them. I believe with coding you can help others, design really cool and interesting things, solve a problem in a program or website to make it more user friendly. Another thing that brought me to coding is I love the idea of being able to do freelance work or go make tons of money working for a big tech or software company.

What are my goals?

My goals are to become a full-stack developer and be able to build full websites from start to finish without any help. However, I do not mind and would love to have the opportunity to work with a team of developers. Right now I'm mainly focused on learning Front-End, (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), then once I'm proficient in Front-End, I plan on learning more about full stack development and integrating back-end along the way.